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122. S. Main Street, Suite 110 C (734) 219-3916
Priceless Photo Preservation has had the honor of preparing memorial videos for some amazing members of our community.
We believe in creating slide shows that do more than just flash pictures on a screen. Our memorial tributes are all about bringing to light everything that made your loved one remarkable from his or her professional feats to his or her life as a beloved family member.
We scan photos, slides, photo albums and even incorporate video and audio clips that are available. We go out of our way. Our tributes serve as profound summaries of a loved one's time on earth so that family members cannot only mourn their loss but celebrate the memories.
All memorial tributes can be professionally produced in less than a week.
If your loved one is nearing the end of life and you feel comfortable preparing a video ahead of time, we encourage you. Such a tribute can be shared with your loved one as an appreciation gift in his or her final days. It can then easily be converted into a memorial video once your family member has passed.
The final cost for our memorial tributes revolves upon our $75 an hour rate.
The video above was prepared for the family of former University of Michigan Professor and MacArthur "Genius" Grant recipient John Holland. It includes old baby pictures, excerpts of lectures, quotes from colleagues and friends and some of his favorite music.
The memorial tribute above was produced to honor beloved Ann Arbor gym teacher Irving "Pro" Boim. It includes pictures, newspaper articles, an interview excerpt, and lots of quotes from many students who adored him.
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